We don’t do

Fast Fashion here.

Alexanders offers curated furniture and decor with a focus on reducing fast fashion and emphasizing quality timeless pieces from the past.

A home should be filled with nostalgic memories and quirky pieces you love to show off. A dinner set that reminds you of the holidays at grandmas, or a moody office where you spent your childhood creating blanket forts. Our mission is to inspire nostalgia and inspiration in every piece you purchase.

Alexanders proudly offers a wide variety of services from furniture sourcing, design planning, and our stocked vintage furniture shop.

Home Styling Essentials

Forever & Always  


Keeping furniture in rotation from generation to generation helps reduce our environmental footprint in more ways than one. Before 1999, most wood furniture was built primarily in North Carolina. After a trade agreement, China took over the furniture industry and its projected by 2025 80% of all furniture will be made in China. By continuing to buy vintage locally, you reduce transits and production pollution, and invest in higher quality furniture pre-1999.


Deciding what finish works best for your lifestyle and design aesthetic can be daunting. Solid wood products, wood veneer, laminate…you don’t have to be an expert! Let me help guide you into investing in pieces that will fit your lifestyle.


All our pieces are locally sourced from the Wisconsin/Northern Illinois area. Circling back to our sustainable mission, ditch the shipping and invest in pieces that have lived their previous lives here in the Midwestern region.